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#FridayDating recipes

Food is one of the key elements to reach someone’s heart. A great way to boost romance and strengthen bonds whilst enjoying the wonders that the universe let us taste… Fridays on their side mean that the working week has finished and the weekend is about to start : the perfect time to plan dates and romantic evenings. We believe that food is one of the best allies to conquer your partner’s love. That’s why we will weekly post in this section a Friday Dating recipe to help plan your romantic date ahead. Make the kitchen yours and use its weapons to win your partners hearts!

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Pan Seared Salmon for an energetic date

Pan Seared Salmon for an energetic date

Salmon for stamina and romantic mood Salmon is a great source of vitamins and proteins, essential to boost stamina. As many fish, salmon contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, great allies to boost your energy and your mood. Salmon helps to build muscle and producing serotonin, which is linked[...]
Lucky foods for a romantic 2017

Lucky foods for a romantic 2017

2016 is now coming to an end and the new year is around the corner. Before you start the New year with a list of good resolutions, there are some little steps you can follow just before entering in 2017 to make sure you put all the best luck on[...]

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