Single at Christmas? Here’s the survival guide
Last Update : December 10, 2019 by Noah

Christmas is for some people the most exciting season of the year. A time full of joy, lights on the street…and love!
However, for some other people, Christmas means seeing lots of couples on the streets…kissing, hugging, couples at Christmas dinners and questions, lots of questions!
One of the worst ones: “so, are you dating someone?”
If you’re single this Christmas, don’t worry! Here’s your survival guide!
Single at Christmas: surviving the holidays
The first thing you really need to do to prepare for Christmas is to look on the bright side!
It easier to say than to do, we know, however, your attitude can change how you’ll experience the holidays.
Christmas can seem daunting at first, but if you continue reading, you’ll see how by the end of this article, you’ll see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Christmas can be whatever you want, and here’s how!
Read more: The most romantic time for online dating sites is here!
#1 Find distractions and activities
If there’s something that characterizes Christmas is the number of different activities you can find during the season.
From workshops, parties, cinema sessions, cooking classes, pub quizzes, you name it!
People love to do things at Christmas. They’re on holidays and they’ve got more free time, so cities get busy organizing all sorts of events.
Here’s actually when your attitude becomes really important. You’ve got two options: stay at home and binge-watch series while you wallow or… you can sign up for different activities. You’ll probably have fun and you might also meet some interesting people!
#2 Love your friends
Exactly, Christmas isn’t only for romantic love! You can also share and embrace family love and your friend’s love!
Meet with your friends, and spend time with them. Also, take the opportunity to reach out to some friends that you haven’t seen or contacted in a long time.
Also, sometimes friends bring other friends and it can lead to amazing opportunities for meeting really fantastic people!
#3 Embrace the Christmas blues and feel good about yourself
Sometimes we tend to run away from things instead of facing them. Christmas blues is one of those.
Now, if you know it’s probably already knocking at your door, welcome it mindfully. What does it really mean?
Don’t run away from it, but rather try to think why you are feeling the Christmas blues and if you’re really being fair with you and your situation.
The next thing to do is to try to think of ways you could better your situation so you feel better.
Prepare an action plan for 2020!
The best way to get over Christmas blues is to go through it! It is also the best way to feel confident if anybody asks you any unnecessary question about your love situation because let’s be honest, at the end of the end, whether you’re single or not is nobody’s business.
#4 Avoid glorifying relationships
The golden rule: don’t compare and don’t glorify other people’s relationships.
There are many many reasons for avoiding doing that: one of them is that things never are like they look!
Read more: when your friends’ relationships seems like an unchievable dream to you!
You might see perfect relationships, or couple’s deeply in love and it might make you feel lonelier. But, you don’t really know anything about that relationship.
The thing is that many relationships actually struggle through Christmas (yes: also family pressure and unnecessary questions), and the number of breakups during Christmas usually increases.
So, it’s also the time to embrace that you’re single and that you are free and available to meet people and have fun!