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Nurturing self-love – 10 ways in 10 days to find love in 2019

Last Update : May 20, 2019 by Alex

Agreement No.1 Learning to nurture self-love

On this first step in our 10 days journey, we have to start from the start…YOU

That’s right.

Any change that you want to do, any goal that you want to reach in 2019 starts from you.

What to do then?

The first thing you have to do is to really try to discover who you are and accept it. Once you accept it you can start the journey of learning how to love who you are.

The benefits of introspection & self-love

Dear body:

When we think about oneself, we probably start by thinking about the way we look. And that’s ok.

Physical appearance is important because it is a way that allows us to differentiate ourselves from others. It is exactly in this line that physical appearance can sometimes become a source of trauma and discomfort for some people: because they don’t accept that they are different from everybody else.

In fact, everybody is different to everybody else which really makes every single one of us UNIQUE.

You’re unique.

There’s nobody else exactly like you (as far as we know!). If you really think about it, it’s mind-blowing. Your eyes, your mouth, the way your knees look, your elbows, the exact position of your moles…your body defines you and makes you special at the same time.

Your body allows you to be, to live, to breath, to eat, to laugh, to talk, to feel, to love and to be loved.

Make sure you take care of your body, you respect it and you appreciate it, because, without your body, your mind, your feelings, your thoughts, your heart couldn’t function (at least for now, we never know in the future!)

Dear mind:

The second part that defines you is the way you are.

Do you have a positive or a negative outlook on life? Are you shy or really outgoing? Do you like tomatoes and hate cucumbers?

We tend to be so obsessed with defining how we are according to the expectations put on us that we tend to forget who we really are.

The best way to learn who you are?

What really defines us is not the way we are but the way we react to things. 

Think about how you react to things, if you’re happy with the way you talk, the way you act and if there’s room for improvement.

Once you start this introspection journey, you’ll start to accept you more, you’ll start to appreciate you more, you’ll be able to be honest with yourself and surrender to your being.

Because after all, as we said, you are here, you are alive, and you have a body and a mind to experiment every single adventure you’re wishing to have in this life.

Let’s start 2019!


– > Next: Manifest your dreams!

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