New Year’s Resolutions for Singles
Last Update : October 9, 2017

2016 is well and truly on it’s way. We’ve all made our new years resolutions we intend to keep. Why not make resolutions that concern your love life. Here are our top ideas for new year’s resolutions for singles this year.
Decide what it is you want
Be clear on what you are looking for, if you want a long-term relationship make sure you make that clear, and if you don’t want a long-term relationship, make sure you’re clear about that from day one too. If a sense of humour is important to you and your last date didn’t make you laugh, don’t go for a second.
Smile and say “hello” more often
Saying hello to more people and smiling makes you more approachable. If you’re scared of rejection and find it difficult to speak to people you are attracted to, saying “hello” to more people more often is really good practice and increase your tolerance to rejection.
Be positive
Avoid thinking negatively about romance and your love life in general. If you have a negative outlook on love, it will come across and you won’t have much success in your search for love.
Set Goals
Make a plan of what you want and by when you want it. Make your objectives measurable, for example: write to three people a week or update your profile monthly.
Say “Yes”
Open yourself up to new opportunities, say yes to things you haven’t done before or even simple things like going for a walk with a friend. Who knows who you might meet? The more you do and the more you put yourself out there, the more chances you have of meeting your special someone. Why not start by saying “yes” to online dating?